2022 SBL Meeting Announcement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 30, 2022

(Duluth, GA) The Sunbelt Baseball League has announced its annual winter league meetings will be held on Monday December 12th in Duluth, GA at the 1818 Club. The league will confirm the 2023 schedule, discuss its league partnerships and other league business. The SBL began operations in 2005, making the 2023 season its 18th year of operations. Recognized and partly funded by Major League Baseball, the mission of the league is to provide a first-class collegiate summer program dedicated to helping young college athletes achieve their dreams of playing at the professional level. Based out of the metro Atlanta area, this wood bat league showcases some of the top talent in the nation while providing exciting family entertainment to the community.

A proud member of the National Alliance of College Summer Baseball, the league is under the direction of Commissioner Todd Pratt, President Bobby Bennett, and Director of Finances Beck Kelly. The league is scheduled to play a 28-game regular season beginning the last week of May with the playoffs concluding the first weekend in August. The league has made significate improvements in its operations including incorporating the use of the industry leading Trackman, an in-game data resource for hitting and pitching states. For additional information please visit the league website at www.sunbeltbaseball.pointstreaksites.com

Ignite Sports & Entertainment, operators of the Choccolocco Monsters and Columbus Chatt-a-Hoots will be announcing season ticket plans following the meeting and a few promotional events. “We are looking at making some operational changes to our organizations that will connect us closer to the communities we operate in and provide our fans with even more enhanced experience at our events,” said Team President Scott Brand. The Hoots continued to lead the league in attendance in their 2nd season, while the Monsters attendance and performance continued to grow during the season. Brand went on to add, “With Choccolocco, we believe a big announcement will be made soon regarding operations and we are working in both markets to increase our media presence with the continued radio network (s), YouTube Channel(s) and hopefully some significant television opportunities”.